Wednesday 21 July 2010

Africa Highlights

Hi Everyone! Just want to say a massive thank you to all your prayers and support at all stages of our African adventure. Thank you also for taking the time to read our blog and send us your encouraging words. We've really appreciated having friends like you supporting us.

We've compiled an "Africa Highlights" video clip of our adventures, just to finish off. The clip is a bit small, but you can watch it on YouTube using the link below:


Love from Hitesh, Lucy & Esther

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater

I have been wanting to do this for ages, to finally update the blog and "sign off" for now. It's taken us a long time to settle back into life at home and get organised again. That's been partly due to us packing out our diary (4 weddings in 8 weeks!) and also the reverse culture shock element. Finally things are calming down.

Anyway, wanted to show you guys some pics of our final few days in Tanzania, where we went to the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. We had a wonderful relaxing time, and saw lots of animals. I think the only thing we didn't manage to see was leopard, but I've heard they're pretty elusive. However, one of the highlights was having a shower for the first time in about 2 months! That was great, plus it was hot too - bonus!! ;-)

Serengeti view



Cheetah 1

Cheetah 2

Simba 1

Mummy & Esther

Simba kabisa 1

Simba kabisa 2

Daddy & Esther

Esther sees giraffe

Sometimes it's all too much!


Waiting for dinner!

Wildebeast migration 1

Wildebeast migration 2

Wildebeast migration 3

Zebra 2

Esther and Daddy at lunch

More giraffe

Sunset in Serengeti

Esther's new toy

Relaxing in the Serengeti lodge

Ngorongoro Crater 1

Ngorongoro Crater 2

Ngorongoro Crater 3

Ngorongoro Crater View


Injured Simba

Esther in Arusha