Saturday, 27 February 2010

Esther's 1st Birthday


It was Esther first birthday on the 20 February, and we've attached some photos of the day. The three of us went to the beach in the afternoon, and then we had cake with the Helsbys and the Millers. There's a couple of video clips of Esther opening her presents and cutting the cake.

Esther had a good day, but I don't think she knew what was going on!

Love from Hitesh, Lucy and Esther

Esther on the beach

Esther opening cards

Esther's cake (Lucy made it!)

Esther cutting cake

Esther eating

Opening presents

Esther just chilling out on our doorstep (not on birthday)

Videos of opening presents and cutting cake


  1. Hi Guys

    Happy Birthday Esther! Hope you had a lovely day and sorry that we couldn't celebrate it with you. Looks like you had loads of fun and got lots of presents, too! Yay! :)

    Sitting in an airconditioned office under fluorescent lights and with grey skies outside feels more than a world away from you guys. Life in Reigate has been the same as ever but we're hanging on for Spring now.

    Listening to your story of rain on a corrugated iron roof makes me feel homesick, Lucy.

    Hit - sounds like you are enjoying the work even though there are challenging elements to it that perhaps weren't all that expected. I know you'll attack it with the usual Hit determination.

    Keep well


    Frank and Kerry

    PS - the bonsai still lives :)

  2. Happy belated Birthday Esther......looks like you had a really great Debbie ,Gary and Luke.xxxx
