Thursday 14 January 2010

1 day to go!

Lucy - So here we are... less than 24 hours to go before we get on the plane to fly to Africa! Can't believe it's all happening!! We're sitting on the sofa, pretty much packed, just sorting out the final bits of paperwork. Hitesh has been ultra-efficient and written multiple lists over the last few days (no surprises there!) which means that I think we've pretty much done everything we've needed to. I'd probably be running around like a headless chicken if it wasn't for his organisational skills! :-)

We head to my Dad's tomorrow, about mid-morning, for a roast dinner with my brother, his fiancee and my sister. We then head to the airport around 4ish ready to catch our flight at 7pm!

Currently going through all kinds of emotions... excitement, unbelief, anxiety, worry about the unknowns... keep having to remind myself that this is what God has called us to do, and he knows exactly what we'll be facing and will be with us throughout it all! Which is very good to know.

Am now going to hand over to Hitesh......

Hitesh - This time tomorrow we'll be on our way to Nairobi. It really doesn't actually feel like we're going. I think we've been so busy sorting stuff out, packing, filling out forms, buying insect repellent, tidying and just general organising, that we haven't really had time to think about it all.

Not really sure what to expect out there, but the things I'm looking forward to include: seeing different wildlife and animals; a slower pace of life where I have time to think and reflect; hearing from God; and hopefully being able to do some real engineering or hands on work without filling out a risk assessment!

Things I'm not looking forward to: mosquitos and bugs in general; poverty and not being able to help everybody; not understanding the language; and not being able to check the cricket pages!

Esther - zzzz, zzzz, zzzz (completely oblivious)

Anyway, until next time when we'll be in Africa! :-D


  1. Hiya
    That all sounds very familiar! I've been here a week now, and feels longer in a way, and settling in well.
    You will have an amazing time.
    Love Helen

  2. Have a amazing time in Tanzania Family Mistry. I can't wait to follow all your adventures and will be thinking of you all back in Blighty!

    As the Zimbos say, Go well

    lots of love
